iPhone demo

This demo shows how easy it is to set up some iPhone like UI (works with Safari and Chrome).
This setup simulates the iPhone screen (kind of. 320x480)

Some phone call
Some missed phone call
Some phone call
Some phone call
Some missed phone call
Some missed phone call
Some missed phone call
Some phone call
Some missed phone call
Some missed phone call
Some phone call
Some phone call
Some phone call
Some missed phone call
Some missed phone call
Some missed phone call
Some missed phone call
Some phone call
Some phone call
Some details

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce tristique pellentesque ligula vel imperdiet. Aliquam ac mi nisl. Morbi tempus tincidunt purus, tristique luctus metus iaculis vel.
Aliquam eget mi at nisi adipiscing semper et sit amet diam. Donec condimentum faucibus purus, et laoreet enim feugiat sit amet.

Cras quis lectus at metus iaculis rhoncus non ac nibh. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci.
Some options
  • Option #01
  • Option #02
  • Option #03
  • Option #04
  • Option #05
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce tristique pellentesque ligula vel imperdiet. Aliquam ac mi nisl. Morbi tempus tincidunt purus, tristique luctus metus iaculis vel.
Aliquam eget mi at nisi adipiscing semper et sit amet diam. Donec condimentum faucibus purus, et laoreet enim feugiat sit amet.
var iPhone = document.getElementById('iPhone'),
    leftScreen = document.getElementById('leftScreen'),
    dets = leftScreen.getElementsByTagName('div'), detButtons = [],
    rightScreen = document.getElementById('rightScreen'),
    bottomScreen = document.getElementById('bottomScreen'),
    bk = function(obj) {obj.backwards = obj.backwards ? false : true},
    ease = function(n) {return -(--n*n*n*n-1)},
    props = {duration:300},
    myMorph = new jsMorph();
for (var n=dets.length, m=0; n--;)
  if (dets[n].className.match(/list$/)) detButtons[m++] = dets[n];

// some triggers
myMorph.start(bottomScreen); // shows option screen
myMorph.start([leftScreen, rightScreen]); // shows details screen
myMorph.start(detButtons); // hides black lines

Here you see that the whole UI is packed inside one jsMorph object. The jsMorph setup is also quite easy and short.